High hang power clean
5-5-5 AHAP


Modified “DT”
5 Rounds
12 Deadlifts (135/95)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder to overhead

*Rest 1 min between rounds

**Strength is a little tricky today in that many people will want to go from a mid or low hang, and that’s not what we’re looking for. As the video shows, this is from the ‘power’/’pockets’ position, which you find with a little knee bend. This is a GREAT movement for those who have a tendency to pull early, as this forces you to REALLY jump and get the bar moving, then PULLING under it as quickly as possible. No full squatting on this one, either. It’s a fast up/down. But keep the bar above mid-thigh. Reps are a bit high on this one for a movement that has a short distance for the bar to travel. You might look at the distance from your hips to shoulders and think ‘that’s pretty damn far.’ Naw, dawg. You’ll get the bar up half that far, about the bottom of your sternum. Jump the bar up, pull yourself under.

The workout, as it already says above, is a modified version of the Hero WOD “DT”. We’re dropping the weight a little bit and adding some rest between, making this ‘heavy but fast’ interval workout. We’re looking at about a 1:1 work/rest ratio. If you normally do DT Rx, do it Rx. If you scale it, scale it. Personally speaking, based on my current fitness level, if DT was programmed this weekend (5 rounds, rx of 155/105), I could probably get away with doing it at 95#, so I would do this at 85# or maybe even 75# due to a janky left shoulder and overhead movements not being my forte.