Glute Bridge
3xME @ 40% 1 RM Squat
– aim for 8-14 reps, close to failure


12 min AMRAP
10/8 Bike calories or Run 100m
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
10 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)

**Oh man, if you’re looking to tighten and tone your tush, today *hand clap* is *hand clap* that *hand clap* day! Glute bridges AND lunges! *heart eyes emoji* You should feel so lucky! We usually do glute bridges/hip thrusts with the hip circle to warm up the glutes for squats. Now we’ll put some weight on the bar so you can *really* feel the posterior recruitment. And who doesn’t want a fine looking peach?

Couple things to explain as it has showed up a couple times this week already and hasn’t really been defined.
3xME.. what does ME mean? Max effort. We want you in that sweet spot of 8-14 reps, which should be close to failure. Doing 20+? Put some weight on the bar. Barely eeking out 5? Take some weight off the bar. As Bret mentioned in the video above. His first set was too heavy and he wasn’t achieving full hip extension and not feeling the movement in his glutes. The lighter weight took too many reps before he felt the glutes turn on. And his third set hit the sweet spot. It might take some time to find the ideal weight as well as to feel comfortable with your shoulders on the bench, but the results will be worth.

Also, make sure to make direct eye contact with someone at the top of each thrust. Bonus points.