Bench press
8-8-8 –> AHAP (as heavy as possible)

7 Thrusters (95/65)
7 Burpees over the bar

**Let’s start by looking at the bench press. I envision a few things happening here in no particular order..
– Going too light
– Going too heavy
– Going too fast
– Bouncing the bar off of your chest
– Lack of leg drive because the weight is so light.
– Elbows flared out

So how to do you work to improve on any or all of these? Take the warm up seriously. Take your 2-4 warm up sets seriously AF as you build up to that heavy weight. Sure, during the warm up it might feel REALLY light at first, but this is the perfect time to slow the rise and fall of the bar to pay attention to where the bar hits you on the chest and notice your elbow position. This isn’t the time to go through the motions or I guarantee you’ll miss something. Remember, this is DAY 1. There’s a looong way to go. This is hypertrophy work. What does that mean? We’re starting to grow muscle, and we’re doing that by lifting submaximal weight for several repetitions – 8-12 reps is the ‘sweet spot’. So look for those reps to increase over the weeks. This isn’t the time to find your 8RM.

You might ask, ‘will I lose gains in doing the WOD afterwards?’ and the answer is no. The wod that follows is meant to – and has always meant to – complement strength. We program that FIRST because it is our #1 priority, and then insert the WOD. If you want to lose gainz, eat like crap, sleep like crap, and keep stress levels high. This 10 min workout won’t hurt you, it’s what you do in the other 23 hours of the day that hurt or help you.
