Snatch + Overhead squat (Pssst! Ken S, both of these are hyperlinks)
Heavy single

10 Deadlifts – 155/105
40 Air squats
20 Hops over the bar (total)

**You might’ve noticed a bit of a pattern with the workouts – or not – but I alluded to it a bit with yesterday’s post. One thing is I don’t like to mix Olympic movements – doing one in strength and the other in the workout. I also like to follow up a push movement (jerk) with another push movement (burpees), or mix up the volume/weight of squats, and follow up something like front squats for strength with a clean, wall ball, air squat, or another squat variation in the workout. You might say that this a chink in our armor – an exposed weakness – by avoiding mixing together the Olympic lifts, but my reasoning is that it’s too difficult to properly warm up the two different movements.

With that said, you might look at this workout and see the squat for the snatch and overhead squat, followed by the high rep air squats. But what I see is an Olympic movement (snatch) followed by a power lifting movement (deadlift). Is that really bad idea? No. Is it lacking a sense of flow? Maybe. Am I looking into this waaay too much? Sure.

So snatch the bar, squat it from overhead – you got plenty of practice on Tuesday – then pick it up/put it down, and jump over it. Don’t over think it like I am. Just do the work.