Push press
*Heavy 5, fewer sets

3 rounds for total reps per round, of

30 sec each
Bike – max cal
Push press – 115/75
Sumo DLHP – 115/75
Box jumps – 24/20
^30 sec rest after each movement.

*A couple things to point out for today.
First – strength – there are fewer total working sets here, but still get in plenty of warm up. Also, really work on keeping that core nice and tight, staying upright on the dip/drive and keeping the bar on your shoulders. Why? When you get tired and lazy the bar will start to slip down your chest. When this happens, you’ll now have to move the bar a couple inches farther each rep. Will that make a difference? Check in on reps 3-5 of the last set and let me know how much heavier that bar felt. Also, you want to keep the bar in contact with the shoulder so you can use the force from that dip/drive (hip extension) to get the bar moving upward instead of having to start pressing so early.

The workout is 1:1 work/rest – 30 sec work followed by 30 sec of rest. Each round is 4 minutes long – 12 minute workout. Weight for the PP and SDLHP should be something you can cycle. That doesn’t necessarily mean sprint for 10 seconds and die the next 20. No, it means keeping the bar moving for 30 seconds. For the push press, this might mean pausing for 1-2 seconds at the top to rest every 2-3 reps. I’m cool with that. But you should be able to keep the bar off the ground for 30 seconds.