Good morning
3 x 8 – 40-50% squat 1RM


12 min AMRAP
28 Double unders
14 Single DB Power clean + Jerk – 50/35
7 Burpees

**We previously did good mornings back on Feb 2nd, paired with Open workout This workout takes a movement from each modality – gymnastics, weightlifting, and metabolic conditioning – with double unders (M), DB clean and jerk (W), and burpees (G). I love workouts like this in that you get to do a little of everything.

The descending rep scheme is pleasing as it means the reps get smaller/easier- the number of doulbe unders is manageable to do unbroken, the DB C&J is only 7 reps/arm which is pretty easy to knock out after 18.1, and burpees you just get through. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be *EASY*. One thing of note for the C&J is that this should be a LEGIT JERK. Usually when CrossFit says to do a clean and jerk, they mean ground to shoulder and shoulder to overhead. The DB will start on the ground and be cleaned (not reverse curled) to your shoulder, then performed as a dip/drive/drop to get the weight overhead. Freehand stays off the body. This should definitely get your heart rate up. Aim for 4-5 rounds. Getting to 6 will be a grind.