Snatch + 2 Overhead squats
50% of 1RM or heavy complex

20 OH Lunges – empty BB
20 Dips
200m run

^Each round, alternate direction of lunges. Rounds 1,3 step forward; rounds 2,4 step backwards. Every step is alternating.

**I think I mentioned last week with the snatch grip deadlifts that you would read what I wrote and then do whatever TF you wanted.. so I expect something similar here. You see light v heavy, and I bet the majority will go heavy.. because RAWWRRRR!! GAIIINNZZ!!! Nah. If you don’t have the ankle, hips, shoulder, and/or Tspine mobility, you won’t be going heavy. Going back to my ‘Virtuosity’ paragraph and link yesterday (here, too, of course).. I would rather see a kick ass complex with a PVC pipe, 15# bar, then 35/45# bar before weight is added. Show the coaches you can do it. No? Tell the coaches what you are doing to improve. We can give you a LAUNDRY LIST of shit to do, but if you do a few pass shoulder pass throughs and yawn your way through the Burgener warm up, I have a *really* good idea what your snatch will look come Saturday.. or even 3/6/9.. 15 weeks from now. Do what’s right for you.

Rule #1 – don’t drop an empty barbell.
Rule #2 – don’t even drop it from 3″ off the ground.
Rule #3 – we’re not playin’ here
Rule #4 – dip standards – arms at full extension at the top, shoulders below elbows at the bottom. This applies to using the rings, matatdors, or boxes.
Rule #5 – on the 200m route towards 11th, always run around the electric box and bike racks, not between them and the building.