Snatch Grip Deadlift
*3×3 @ 1 RM Snatch or 110%, but not AHAP

Hang power snatch – 115/75
Sumo DL High pull – 115/75
C2B pull up

**I believe it was back in late January that we last did snatch grip DLs. We’ve been doing plenty of snatching, so you should have a decent idea of what you can do for your 1RPM or 100%. No? Then go over the other measurement – a something that isn’t as heavy as possible.

Now something you might not notice here, but it has been awhile since we’ve done 3 days in a row of workouts with a barbell. I’m not counting Sunday gainz club or the Hero workout Sunday night, but Mon-Sat classes. Yes, we use the barbell nearly everyday for strength, but we have other weights to use – plates, DBs, KBs, dballs – at our disposal.

There was Thurs-Sat at the end of February (Thursday cleans, 18.2 cleans, Saturday PP and SDLHP).

But you actually have to go back to Jan 11-13. Does it feel like that long?

Anyways, 3rd day with the barbell and two barbell movements in the triplet. One other thing to point out is the decrease in weight from Mon to Tues to Wed – 155/105, 135/95, 115/75. As mentioned yesterday, you should be following the progressing in decrease in weight by decreasing the weight you use each day. This workout shouldn’t take anyone more than 16 minutes.