Double unders
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups

**My hope… my hoooope.. with programming this past week, is with the *hope* that NONE of these movements will be in 18.3. And now that I said that, and as I type this on March 6th, there will be double unders and chest to bar pull ups.. and maybe snatches, too. I’m throwing it all out there!! So we’ll wait and see what’s announced…

(30 sec later)…okay I need to set this to post and can’t wait any longer..

So aside from trying to programming around the Open workout a little bit and give you a break, this is just a down and dirty chipper. I was thinking of the Girl WODs “Annie” and “Angie” and “Barbara” with this one, but leaving out the air squats since you’ll have completed those on Wednesday. Nothing fancy, nothing new, nothing complicated. Just keep moving through the movements, chipping away (see what I did there?? I said it’s a chipper and you’re chipping away at.. okay, NM..) at the reps.

Have fun! And if you did 18.3 on Friday.. well.. you’re ready for today!