Clean & Jerk
Heavy single

12 min AMRAP
5 Handstand push ups (HSPU)
5 Cleans – 155/105

*Okay, let me clear up a few things here. For strength, I’m going to allow either a power clean or squat clean for the clean. When it’s written as ‘clean’ the squat is implied, but CrossFit always makes weird exceptions (see 18.1 DB hang clean & jerk that’s a hang power clean-and-shoulder-to-overhead-or-whatever), so I’m following their rules. BUT. If you’re participating in the Oly meet in 30 days, I highly suggest you squat that bish.

I also suggest squatting because squatting is good for you because science. And you’ll be squatting those squat cleans in the workout. Soooo.. get used to squatting. Weight here isn’t terrible. If you’re a stronk dude or chica and you’re thinking “Pssh.. cake weight,” then you best be moving that barbell and working on cycling those reps as touch and go. Rounds of 5,5,3/2,3/2.. for sure. Cake weight and you’re doing singles? C’mon.. you’re better than that. Move the weight.

Now if you see 155/105 and think “I can’t do that much weight,” I want you to do this for me. Instead, say to yourself “I’m going to scale this weight to 115/85 because I know that’s a weight I can do in sets of 5s for at least 2 rounds before breaking them up more.” Change your mindset. Go into the workout knowing what you CAN do, not what you’ve already told yourself that you can’t do. I guarantee you’ll crush this workout.