Back squat
Heavy 2


For time
100 KB Swings – Amer.
50 Goblet squats
20 Pull ups
50 KB Swings
25 Goblet squats
10 Pull ups
Rx – 53/35

^15 min time cap^

**Okay, shit’s gettin’ real on these back squats. Come in prepared, come in early to get in some extra warm up and hip/ankle mobility work. I have the honor to see the 5AMers getting in early to prep themselves for the class, and I hope others are doing the same.. even if it’s ingesting 5g of your pre-wod drink. Whatever gets you going! Just squat deep.

Workout keeps you moving – nothing new here movement wise. We’ve been doing a lot of KB swings recently – different weight, height, for time, timed, couplets and triplets, etc – so you should have a pretty good handle on how long you can go to chip away at those reps keeping in mind the time cap. You might feel those lats and the grip on that second round. Again, manage your reps, manage your rest, manage your transitions.