Strength 1
Muscle snatch – 3×3 @ 30%
^Technique Weight

Strength 2
Hang snatch + Overhead squat
Heavy single

Cashout WOD

Row – max meters in 20 strokes.
Complete 3 times.
Rest as needed between attempts.

**Okay, fam.. we’re still focusing on the Olympic lifts for the meet coming up the end of this month, so we’ve got some technique work coupled with the snatch and overhead squat today. The muscle snatch is great to work on that turn over, and should feel different than how you perform it with a PVC pipe. Focusing on the latter for a second, when we use the PVC pipe for the Burgener warm up, still work on doing the movement correctly even if it’s super light. Master the movement with the PVC pipe, and carry over that good technique to the barbell.

Hopefully you’re not burned out from rowing after 18.1.. no? Good! So we’ve got some max attempts here, but basing it off of your number of strokes to reach meters, not how quickly you can cover 250 or 500 meters. Key thing here is a strong start – 1/4, 1/2, full pull to get the flywheel moving. This will get you set up for strokes 4-20 better than if you were to start with one loooong, sloooow pull. This way.. you’re “on” and “engaged” and at “full capacity” instead of still building it up. Try it out!