Heavy double

3 Rounds for time of:
20 Power Snatch – 115/75
20 Back Squats – 115/75

**Hopefully you spent plenty of time Friday working on mobility and proper recovery after killing 18.1. Work those forearms and lats, and give your shoulders a little TLC. They’ll need it for the overhead work today.

There shouldn’t be anything surprising today. We have the in-house Oly Meet coming up March 31st, and all the strength work we’ve been doing since January has been in preparation for that. So, yeah, you’ll see a lot of snatches and clean and jerks in strength and in the workouts – with barbells and DBs, apparently..

So we’re working on a heavy snatch (with squat) double from the ground. Double meaning do a snatch two times. Got it? Cool. The workout that follows is a moderately heavy couplet of power snatches (no squat) with back squats (squat). The weight might not look *too* intimidating, but there’s a decent amount of volume here especially if you haven’t been attending the snatch days each week. So you might have to scale the weight, too. As with 18.1, this is about pacing. If you’re doing singles on the first round, you went too heavy. I suggest breaking up the snatches, and timing the reps right so you put the bar on your back after the last one vs setting it down and having to do *one* more snatch to get it on your back. Keep it on your back for the full 20 reps. Get in sets of 5 before taking a break, and try to plan this so on the last rep you have enough OMPH to do a behind the neck thruster to get the bar back up front. Keep a 15 min timeframe in mind and keep chugging away.