Heavy 3

In 2 min, do
250m row
Max KB swings – 70/53
– Rest at least 2 min between
– Repeat a total of 3 times
– Score is number of KB swings each round

**Strength here should look familiar as we do deadlifts, or variation of a deadlift/posterior chain work (stiff legged, good morning) every week. You should look forward to starting off the week with heavy deadlifts.

Okay… if you think this workout that follows looks weak, I’m gonna throw you a side-eye so strong that hopefully it gets the point across that this workout isn’t for the faint of heart. Think back to other workouts that looked easy on paper/online/on the board.. how did you feel during or afterwards? Kinda awful? A bit pukie? You might have that feeling today. Your row should be under 1 minute. Go hard. But for the love of God, use good technique. Deadlifts should be a good primer here as we tell you to keep your knees back to stay out of the way of the bar on the way back down. This holds true for the erg handle – keep your legs straight until the handle passes your knees on the way back up the slide.

Swings here, we’re staying heavy. We’ve used this weight (70/53) quite a bit recently, so hopefully you’re more comfortable swinging it. Not specifying height, so swing as high as you can manage. Spinal alignment is paramount, so don’t be leaning back just to get height. Score here, as it says, is the number of swings each round, so you’ll have 3 numbers on the board plus your KB weight.