Weighted pull up
3-3-3 or 15 min of technique work

15 min AMRAP
10 Handstand push ups (HSPU)
15 Toes to bar
20 Amer KB Swings – 53/35

*What I like about today is the opportunity to do some push/pull work. If you’re still working on getting your first pull up, do some negatives, pull ups with bands, and DB rows. If you have those pull ups, add a little bit of weight.

For the workout, if you’re signed up for the Open, I’d like you to really pay attention to the standards for the HSPU (watch until 4:20). Basically, touch your head to the ground and finish with your heels touching the wall. Get out of the habit of kicking up and (possibly) getting full extension, but then dropping to the ground with your feet never having touched the wall. If it won’t count when it matters during the Open workout, it shouldn’t count now. Same with Toes to bar – get your heels behind the rig at the bottom and both feet kicking the bar between your hands at the same time. Scaling T2B to knee raises? Still get your heels behind you at the bottom and knees above hips at the top. Handstand push ups have been in the Open the last 3 years, and toes to bar have been in the Open all 7 years, so there’s a very good chance they will show up again this year.