Back squat

Partner WOD
Row – calories
Push ups
Deadlifts – 225/155

**Okay so here’s how this partner shiz works. Your partner rows 21 calories, you row 21 calories, your partner does 21 push ups, then you do 21 push ups, then your partner does 21 deadlifts, then you do 21 deadlifts. Then you work on the reps of 15 for each movement. Make sense? Cool. That’s out of the way.

I want to talk about push ups. Super simple movement, right? If that were the case, and we weren’t seeing lots of variations, I wouldn’t be posting about it.

So a good example of what a good push up should look like is with a PVC pipe. Set it on the ground with one end flush against the wall. Pick up the opposite end and raise it to about knee height. Lower it to the ground, and repeat this pattern. THAT is what your body should look like – stiff as a PVC pipe. No head bobbing, no chest sagging, no hips dropping, and no hips staying in place and just the upper body moveing making it a tricep push ups. Here are some other common mistakes when performing push ups.

Take the time to get in a good plank position with your feet together and butt tight, hands just outside shoulders. Lower your body as a unit by breaking at the elbows (not dropping your chest, head, or neck) until your chest touches the ground. Your elbows shouldn’t be more than 45deg away from your body. Then press your entire body up as a unit. Imagine that PVC pipe is your spine+more – solid from your feet and out the top of your head. BE that straight. Not there yet? There are plenty of scales you can use, and even try them out in the workout.