Hang power snatch + Overhead squat + Hang squat snatch

CrossFit Open Workout 14.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75/55)

For the strength portion, for many this will be treated as skill/technique work as many will be new or unfamiliar to the movements. So only go as heavy as form and mobility allows.

For the workout, we’re going to start repeating Open workouts from past years. Who knows! One of these might come up this year, so this will be good practice, and and chance to compare to your score from the first time around. This is a basic couplet – 2 movements – a monostructural (aka ‘cardio’) movement paired nicely with a weight lifting movement. The reps and weight make this look like a sprint, but if you go out of the gates too quickly, you’ll be sucking wind by 4 minutes in and crawling to the finish. Find that threshold, back off a touch, and hold on for the entire 10 minutes. It’s a fun ride especially when you have a bae in class to race against.

The same scaling options that were used during the Open will also be used in class.