Front squat
3 – 65%
3 – 75%
3 – 85%

**Perform 3 box jumps (NFT) after each set.


For time
50 Cal Row
50 Toes 2 Bar
50 Air Squats

**Simple, right? Three movements, another triplet. What could be so hard? Those toes to bar. Grinder. Let’s first look at the air squat, the easiest of the three movements here. Hit your depth – hips below the crease of the knee – and stand up all the way. Hold a PVC pipe by your side and that’s what you should look like – no bend in the knees, hips, or upper back. Just stand up tall. Simple. For the row, think back to last Friday’s rowing workout. Don’t just grip and rip… get into a rhythm. Legs, body, arms… then arms, body legs. Review the video in the post. Whatever your 500m time was, assuming you went all out/balls to the wall, try to maintain a pace about 10 seconds slower than that. For example, I did it at open gym at 75% effort and finished in 2:00, so I would try to hold a 500m/avg of no less than 2:05 here.

The hard part will be those 50 toes to bar. If you grip and rip on the rower, your arms are going to be shot for the toes to bar. Talk with the coaches about scaling, but here are some options. Here’s another great video that talks about the importance of engaging the lats, which is why we have you doing scap pull ups. See.. sometimes your coaches know what they’re talking about! So when doing your toes to bar, don’t just ‘grip and rip’ your way through them.. grind them out. Yes, you might have to break them up into sets of 10, then 7, and 5s.. then 2s. But you’ll see the benefits in the long run with a better grip and stronger core, and not just a fast finish time.