22 min AMRAP
Row 30/20 calories
12 Dball shoulders – 100/60
10 Box jumps – 30/24
8 Dips

**A couple things to point out here.
First – long workout. The time domain is set, which can be bad in that some people might dial it in. “Why go hard? I know how long it will take.”

Second – lots of stuff going on. I want to focus on the rowing portion. Rx here is 30 calories for men, and 20 calories for women. I’d like to keep this around 90 seconds of work. At a minimum, a woman will have to average about 2:20/500m to achieve that. You can view both calories and 500m split on the PM5 monitors. What I really want is max effort in 90 seconds with the goal of achieving the number of calories listed. Now, when I say ‘max effort’, that doesn’t mean your form goes to shit. When we do deadlifts we always warm up with a lot of hip hinge movements – keeping the knees back until the bar passes over. Same holds true for rowing.. think of doing an RDL (Romanian deadlift) on the way back up the slide.. like this..