Back squat
Heavy 3

10 min AMRAP
100m sprint
15 KB swings – 70/53

**As always with the new strength work we’re doing, most of the time we’re allotted about 15 min for strength. Some days, such as today, we might give you a little more time since the workout is pretty simple in nature. By this point, as we are now 5 weeks into the year and this strength template, you should have a good idea of what weights to use to warm up and how much time you need to get to some decent weight.

For the workout, I’m building on the 100 swings for time we did last Tuesday. I’d like to think that everyone was able to get in at least 20 swings unbroken, right? Good! So we’ll do 15 just to keep you moving a little faster, stopping before poor technique starts to creep in, and breaking it up with a short and fast sprint to see how those glutes feel. Building strong gluteal booteals(TM) today.