Front squat
3-3-3-3-3 (heavy 3)


12 min AMRAP
10 OH lunge – 50/35 (total steps)
30 Double unders
20 Sit ups (or 12 GHD)

**A pretty straight forward workout – spend about 15 minutes working up to a heavy set of 3 front squats. For the workout, you’ll do 10 lunges, followed by 30 double unders, and 20 ab mat sit ups. If you’d like to do the sit ups on the GHD machine, scale the reps just a touch. As you work your way through this triplet, switch arms each round on the lunges. Last weeks DB snatch/OH squat workout should give you a good idea of which arm you might have some stability issues with. What I find helpful is keeping my free arm out to the side as a counter balance. Have fun with this one.