Clean + Hang clean

2 Hang clean ~ 75-80% from strength
4 Burpees
8 Jumping air squats
90 sec work/30 sec rest – 4 rounds’

**So the strength complex might look a little similar to what we did on Thursday with the snatch and hang snatch. This isn’t a grip workout, so you can take a quick breather to regrip after the hang clean and before your 2nd clean if needed. Remember, we’re building to a heavy 2 today in the time allotted. If you get there quickly, stay at that weight and hone your technique. I bet you can pop those hips more aggressively and get under that bar faster.

That will come in handy in the workout where you’ll use a percentage of the weight you just found, but it will be a little lower since we’ll want you to cycle through the 2 reps quickly. No setting the bar down here before reps as you’ll want to move as quickly as you can between movements to accumulate as many rounds and reps as possible in those 4 rounds of 90 seconds of work. Need a drink? Save it for those 30 seconds of rest between rounds. 3-2-1.. GO!