Click here for info on dropping in from out of town
We have month-to-month commitments that are recurring monthly membership plans. You can cancel anytime in your first 30 days, but after that we require 30 days notice of cancellation by emailing us at [email protected].
We also allow members to put their membership on hold for 30, 60, or 90 day periods one time per calendar year.
To get the best results, become familiar with our Gym Rules:
A negative mind will not lead to a positive life or to positive changes within one’s life. Complaining, constant sarcasm, negative self-talk, etc…bring yourself down, and since we are all a product of the people you surround yourself, you also bring down others around you as well. We ask that when you are at Old City, you make the choice to bring your positive self.
Follow Old City’s Rules at all times and encourage everyone around you to do the same. When coaches are coaching, stay quiet, especially when you are not in the class. If you are not working out, please stay out of the way of those who are. Keep the gym clean and organized. Please wipe down your equipment, clean up your workout area, do not drop empty barbells, and when you’re finished, help others clean up their areas as well.
We train together to inspire and encourage each other to achieve more than we could achieve on our own. We want each other to succeed and constantly raise the bar. For some, support means cheering them on, for others support means leaving them alone. Get to know your fellow Old Cityzens and the type of support they prefer. When appropriate, wait to put your equipment away until everyone has finished. Constant sarcasm and trash talk is rude, not funny. Don’t be obnoxious. If you’re unsure what to do, follow the coach’s lead.
Progress can come quickly if you are relatively new to training, live smart and train smart. If there is a large distance between your goals and where you are now, it will take time. Be patient. Inevitably the rate of progress slows over time, but progress does not stop if you continue to live smart and train smart. Amazing accomplishments tend to come from small incremental changes over time. Be patient. Be smart about what you can do and can’t quite yet do. Impatience leads to injuries, plateaus, and frustration.
The degree of your success is directly linked to the degree of your consistency. Show up consistently, day after day. Not every day has to be your best day, just show up. Consistently do what it takes to train more frequently: prioritize quality sleep, manage stress, get good nutrition, take rest days as needed, and train with appropriate intensity. If you’re out of town for a few days or a week or two, let us know so that we can help you keep on track towards your goals while you’re gone.
Your personal health and safety are always your responsibility. Do not attempt to exceed your limits unless you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions. Make sure that your actions/inactions never put anyone else at risk.
You are the result of your decisions. Your decisions affect the people around you. Maintain awareness and accountability for the things you do and do and say.
It’s our mission at Old City to make you as informed an athlete as possible. To this end, we try to teach you literally everything we know so that you can coach yourself. Please refrain from using this knowledge to coach your fellow classmates. While you might have the right cue, coaching tip, or suggestion to improve your fellow classmates performance, the coaches in front of the class are the only people empowered to provide those suggestions. Let our coaches do the coaching.