Lizten up people.  This girl is awesome.  Meet Liz and find out why…

photo copy 2Originally from Oregon, Liz grew up on a farm where she showed horses competitively for 11 years!  Having moved to DC four years ago, Liz quickly realized that people in DC really don’t like the horseback commuters of the world.  She traded in her horse and got herself a bike, and has been riding it on her 6 mile commute to work every morning since (not to mention her 50 mile ‘fun’ rides on the weekend).  When she’s not riding horses or riding bikes, Liz loves to run and kayaking!  She completed the Walt Disney Marathon last year and loved it.

Professionally, Liz is a part time Master’s student studying health policy and a full time non-profiteer advocating for health policy on behalf of all 566 federally recognized Tribes.

She also loves gun shows…

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0SBukWe’re so excited to have you as part of our Family, Liz.  I just hope this guy (↑) has enough sun glasses!