This VMI Graduate has run with the bulls in Pamplona.  What else has Kevin gotten himself into?  Meet him to find out!  Old Cityzens, meet Kevin:

Trilogy Tri (with Richmond)After graduating VMI with degrees in International Studies and Spanish, Kevin took off to work in Madrid.  While not enjoying the wild and wonderful world of Madrid, Kevin interned at the Fulbright Commission.  After about a year and a half of living the Spanish dream, Kevin came back to the states where he made Miami his home for the next decade of his life.  Kevin recently moved to DC where he is a development manager for a could computing company.

During Kevin’s world tour, he was able to find some time to fit in athletic pursuits.  An aspiring triathlete, Kevin has done countless sprint and Olympic distances, a couple Half Iron Mans, but his crowning athletic achievement was completing a full Iron man which he is seen below getting ready to start:

IMG_9222When he’s not doing Iron Mans, Kevin has found time to ride his bike across Iowa (yeah, that really big state in the mid-west), do a marathon in Paris, and some 24 hour adventure races.  Kevin also did 3 days of simulated SEAL training down in Coronado, CA.  Which he finished with a new found respect for how cold the Pacific is, and how bad ass our Navy’s SEALs are.

We sure are happy that this Iron Man decided to joins Old City CrossFit.  I don’t think I’ll be joining you in your next Iron Man pursuit, but I sure know how to cheer!  Welcome to the family, Kevin!