Don is thankful a CrossFit gym is opening near where he lives and works.  We’re thankful Don is smart enough to choose his home and job based on where a CrossFit gym might one-day come.


What kind of work does Don do that puts him so convientley close of Old City?  I’m glad you asked.  Don is part of the Gallaudet faculty teaching ASL & Deaf Studies. He’s also a PhD student (I told you he was smart) of Critical Studies in the Education of Deaf Learners.

Don loves the outdoors.  Biking, kayaking are just a few of the ways Don gets his nature fix.  He’s also a Yoga superstar; a skill he learned while at an ashram in upstate New York.  I couldn’t be happier Don decided to join Old City CrossFit.  I also couldn’t be happier with the developing brain trust at Old City CrossFit.  Let’s do a quick review.  We have a lawyer, an engineer, a guy who cleans dirt, a guy in a think tank, another PhD student, and now we have Don!
Don, welcome to the Old City Family!  Now go on and get your PhD already.  Dr. Don is way to cool of a name to be waiting for!