The week ahead.. May 20th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Adventure Park at Sandy Springs. It was a great event and we had perfect weather for [...]
The week ahead.. May 13th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and spent sometime outside even with the rain and cooler weather. And, before the day is over, Happy Mother's Day to all our CrossFit moms and [...]
The week ahead.. May 6th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and enjoyed either the Kentucky Derby on Saturday or Cinco de Mayo on Sunday. Speaking of horses, a horse walks into a bar. The barman [...]
The week ahead.. April 29th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and enjoyed False Spring #2. Or is it actually here? Or did we skip right to summer? I can't keep track! We're wrapping up the [...]
The week ahead.. April 22nd
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and enjoyed some time outside I made it over to the NE Library on Friday to watch a 7am member and his band perform. And [...]
The week ahead.. April 15th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and already filed their taxes. Why are accountants always tired after work? Because their job is so taxing. Weight Vests With Murph coming up next [...]
Beach Muscle EMOM 12 1 - 1x12 Supine Grip Inverted Row 2 - 1x12 KB Pullover (53/35) 3 - 1x12 Bench Dip* 4 - Rest *Elevate feet and add plate to hips WOD For Time [...]
Skill/Strength A1 - Pistol Negatives 3x3/Leg @ 5s *all one leg then the other **measure distance down and strive to go lower and lower A2 - Wall Walk and Hold 3x4 reps *Wall Walk up, [...]
Strength A1 - Barbell Pause Floor Press 4x6 - Pause 2s with elbows on ground A2 - DB Bent Over Row 4x10/Arm WOD E2MOM x 8 (16 Minutes) 3 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115) 5 Burpee [...]
Skill/Mobility A1 - Tall Clean/Power Clean 3x3 * *Empty Bar of Minimal Weight A2 - Butcher Block Stretch 3x60s OPEN PREP WOD CrossFit Open 11.2 AMRAP 20 5 Power Clean (155/105) 10 Toes to Bar [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Snatch Grip DL 5-5-3-3 A2 - Landmine Rotation 3x20 (55/45) B1 - Weighted Pull-Up 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict Bodyweight 4x5 @ Negatives B2 - Half Kneeling Landmine Press 4x8/Arm (90/65)
Strength A1 Bench Press 4x5 A2 Powell Raise 4x10/Arm Partner WOD You Go I Go Divide However, But Evenly 3 Rounds for Time 30 Power Snatch (75/55) 40 Ring Rows 50 AbMat Sit-Ups
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