The Week of 7/1…
I hope everyone enjoyed the slightly different take on programming last week. This week features many of the same areas of focus, but includes a hero WOD on Independence Day. **Holiday Week Reminder: We do [...]
Week of 6/24/24
Hey Old Cityzens! Better late than never! But we're back... Old City has new hands behind the programming wheel, but they are experienced hands! If we haven't met, I'm Coach Jason, and I've been [...]
The week ahead.. June 17th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and enjoyed some of the HOT weather even though it won't technically be summer until the 20th. Speaking of summer, what's the most mathematical aspect [...]
The week ahead.. June 10th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great pride weekend. It was great weather both days to be outside! Coach Jen's Last Day Reminder that Friday, June 21st will be Coach Jen's last day [...]
The week ahead.. June 3rd
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend finally feels recovered from Murph! Spending the morning taking pictures, heckling, and cleaning up afterwards was exhausting! Props to everyone who did the workout! Speaking [...]
The week ahead.. May 27th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great holiday weekend and enjoyed some time outside. Memorial Day Murph! Class times are 8am and 9:30am. The workout is in honor of U.S. Navy SEAL Lt. [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Top Support L-Sit* 3x Accumulate 30-45s *On Matador or Rings or Paralettes A2 - Hang* 3x Accumulate 45s *Easy? Add weight WOD 15-12-9-6-3 Deadlift (95/65) 10-8-6-4-2 Box Jump (24"/20") 9-7-5-3-1 DB Thruster [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Back Squat 3-3-3 WOD EMOM 16 1 - 1x3 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115)* 2 - 1x15 Supine Grip Australian Row 3 - 1x60s Max Effort Double Unders 4 - Rest *From Floor [...]
Core EMOM 1 - 1x15 Band Anchored Leg Raise 2 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse 3 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse Open Prep WOD Open 24.1 21 DB Snatch (Arm [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Snatch Grip Deadlift 5-5-3-3 A2 - Wall Walk 4x4 + 5s Hold B1 - Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8 B2 - Weighted Chin-Up 3-3-1-1
STRENGTH A1 - Barbell Pause Floor Press 4x6* *Dead-stop 2s with elbows on ground A2 - Incline Seal Row 4x10* *Bench on 24" box WOD 4 Rounds Run 600m* 20 KB Swings (53/35) Rest 90s [...]
Strength A1 - Back Squat 5-5-5 Partner WOD You Go I Go 3 Rounds 20 Turkish Get-Up (44/26)(10/each)(5/arm) 20 Strict Pull-Ups 4 50" Walking Lunge (Bodyweight)
Let us help you find the right program for your specific fitness goals!