

The Week Ahead – 1/27/25

Friends, Looks like some above-freezing temps, so we'll start the week getting back outdoors. The week ahead: Monday - Strength is Floor Press and inclined seal row. Can you go heavier on floor Press than [...]

The Week Ahead – 1/20/25…

Team, Friends, Old Citzyens, I hope you're hanging in there... it's dark, icy, everybody is sick... but there's a ton of reason for excitement: the CrossFit Open starts on 2/27! I like to think we've [...]

The Week Ahead 1/13/25…

Team, Let's hit the new year running. Although not too literally... you can thank the snow. The week ahead: Monday - After talking about it for a bit, we've finally got pistols to start the [...]

The Week Ahead 1/6/25…

Friends, Looks like a decent snow storm coming through, so we've decided to cancel regular classes on Monday. For those that need to get their blood flowing, we'll have OPEN GYM from 10-12. Monday WAS [...]

The Week Ahead 12/30/24

Old City Family, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, Another short-ish week, be sure to check our Facebook group and our in-gym whiteboard for holiday hours. In summary, only morning and noon on Tuesday, closed [...]

The Week Ahead 12/23/24…

Friends, The weeks with theme WODs are the hardest to program. Sure, the traditional holiday WODs and hero WODs are already written... work done, right? For Old City it's all about making them FIT. (At [...]



CrossFit Open 25.2 21 Pull-Ups 42 Double Unders 21 Thruster (95/65) 18 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 36 Double Unders 18 Thrusters (115/75) 15 Bar Muscle-Up 30 Double Unders 15 Thrusters (135/85) 12 Minute Cap [...]


STRENGTH A1 - Split Jerk Balance 3x2-3* *Minimal Weight A2 - E2MOM x 7 (14 Minutes) 2 Split Jerk WOD 10 Rounds 10 KB Swings (70/53) Run 100m


STRENGTH A1 - Back Squat 4x5 A2 - DB Bent Over Row 4x10/Arm B1 - Supported KB Single Leg RDL 4x8/Leg (1x53/1x35) B2 - Weighted Mixed Grip Pull-Up 4x3/Side* *6 total, add weight if you [...]


STRENGTH A1 - Ring Push-Up 4x5* *easy? feet on box and add weight belt A2 - KB Pullover Leg Raise (1x35/1x26) 4x10-15 WOD EMOM 12 1 - 1x4 Wall Walk 2 - 1x15 Ring Row [...]


(Note: Was DT, edited in response to CrossFit Open (Hang Clean and Overhead) 10 Rounds for Time 3 Power Clean (185/125) 6 Side Shuffle 12 Wall Ball (20/14) rest 30s Mobility A1 - Wall [...]


Strength A1 Bench Press 3x5 A2 Tricep Kickback 3x10/Arm Partner WOD You Go I Go 16 Rounds (8 Each) 1 Wall Walk 3 Deadlift (225/155) 9 Sit-Ups 18 Minute Cap


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