The week ahead.. October 23rd
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. I know this time of year is big on decorative gourds and corn mazes and pumpkin patches, but I'm a Michigan gal and I love [...]
The week ahead.. October 16th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. Great weather, despite Saturday's rain, to enjoy fall festivities such as apple picking, wandering the pumpkin patch, corn mazes, and the such. I hope you're [...]
The week ahead.. October 9th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. For those that have Monday off, enjoy your holiday weekend and the extra time off. We are open with our regular schedule on Monday. What's [...]
The week ahead.. October 2nd
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. Shout out, and a HUGE congrats, to Coach Jack, Coach Jess, Lisa, Sam, Coach Kate, and Matt M for throwing down at MACC FEST this [...]
The week ahead.. September 25th
Hey Old Cityzens! What a dreary weekend! Saturday was a bit of a washout, and Sunday was a bit blah. What do you call it when it's raining ducks and geese? Foul weather! 😀 [...]
The week ahead.. September 18th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. Did you get out to H St Festival on Saturday? FINALLY! Some great weather for that event! CrossFit Competitions Still looking to compete this year? [...]
STENGTH Core Strength A1 - Landmine Rotation 3x20 A2 - KB Pullover Straight Leg Raise 3x15 (35/26) WOD 10 Rounds 2 Handstand Push-Up 4 Deadlift (225/155) Run 200m
WOD AMRAP 22 24 Box Jumps (24"/20") 18 Burpees 12 Toes to Bar
STRENGTH A1 - Tall Snatch + OHS 3x3* *Empty bar or minimal weight A2 - Strict Chest to Bar Chin-Up 4x3-5 @ Weight 4x3-5 @ Bodyweight 4x3=5 @ Strict Chin-Up 3x5+ @ Chin Up Negative/Practice/Band [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Ring Dip 4x5 @ Weight 4x5 @ Strict Bodyweight 4x5+ @ Matador Strict 4x5 @ Matador Negative A2 - DB Bent Over Row 4x10/Arm STRENGTH EMOM 16 1 - 15/12 Cal Bike [...]
Arm Strength A1 Barbell Curl 4x10 (55/35) A2 KB Pullover 4x10 (53/35) Partner WOD You Go I Go 20 Rounds (10 Each) 1 Wall Walk 3 Hang Power Clean (155/105) 6 Box Jump 9 Sit-Ups [...]
WOD "Artie" AMRAP 20 5 Pull-Ups* 10 Push-Ups 15 Squats 5 Pull-Ups* 10 Thrusters (95/65) *Option to do 2 Bar Muscle Ups Mobility A1 - Banded Couch Stretch 1x60s/Leg B1 - Box Hamstring Stretch 1x60s/Leg [...]
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