Sumo deadlift
Heavy 3


Double unders
Sumo deadlift high pull (95/65)

**We’re calling an audible on the strength and making a slight change from what was mentioned in Sunday’s weekly blog post. Instead of the wide snatch grip, we’re going with the wide stanch and narrow grip sumo stance. This might be a big change for some people and a noticeable difference in hip mobility because you’re going to have to be in a more squatty position with vertical shins. Read that last sentence again. Next thing will be working to keep those knees from caving in. Morning peeps might be used to doing bootstrappers and being told to use their elbows to shove their knees out. If you struggle with that position, you might realize here that you’ll need a more narrow stance until you can improve your hip mobility. In this squatty position, you’ll want to think about prying the bar off the ground and bringing your hips to the bar. It’s more of a vertical movement than the traditional conventional deadlift. It’s a nice change of pace, and you might discover some muscles you haven’t been utilizing in the deadlift.

Daily Read

The Forgotten Art of Squatting